Romanian Rescue Dog Training & Support

Meesh Masters
The DOG's Point of View

Join the #1 Online Training & Support Group for
Adopters of Romanian & Overseas Rescue Dogs

Now Just £27 per month

 "I wish I started working with Meesh before we got our girl Kiwi! As soon as we joined Dogs Point of View group, I realised how little I and the three trainers / behaviourists I consulted before joining Meesh, knew about Romanian dogs.

Julija & Kiwi
1-1 Client & Coach Group Member

 "I found Meesh by googling & as others have said wish I had become a member from the start. I have told the fosterers of my Romanian rescue to tell potential adopters about Meesh because despite all the knowledge of the possible issues with Romanian rescue dogs we were not prepared. Our adoption nearly failed early on but joining the group really helped me to enjoy our amazing little dog & the progress he is making.

Claire & Hendrix
Coaching Group Gold Member

 "Our two Romanian rescues arrived three months ago and we have found the advice and support from Meesh absolutely invaluable.  I can categorically say that Meesh has improved our dogs' lives, helping them to settle in more easily.  I hate to think where we would be had we not found Meesh and The Dog's Point of View.

Sue, Sky & Albert 
Coaching Group Member

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Courses For Canine Professionals  Working With Romanian & Overseas Rescue Dogs

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