An extensive collection of information & resources to support Rescue Organisations working with Romanian rescue dogs & their Adopters

Course Summary

There is no getting away from the fact that Romanian dogs are wired differently to British dogs and can present with some quite unique challenges both in terms of behaviour problems and responses to teaching approaches, which is why, following the success of my RR Pro Trainer Program, I wanted to create something specifically for Rescue Organisations to help them support adopters of their dogs.

As the founder and business owner of The DOG’s Point of View, I have been working with these dogs and their families for many years now and I am consistently taking on clients who have struggled to achieve successful outcomes with previous professionals they have hired, and more importantly have not always been given the best advice for these sensitive and often complex souls.  

The DOG's Point of View Pro's Course for Rescue Organisations aims to help anyone supporting adopters gain a deeper understanding of what a holistic approach to working with dogs looks like, because it really isn’t just about ‘training’ especially with Romanian & overseas dogs.

So within this program I hope to provide both information & helpful resources that will provide an understanding of the world from the Dog’s Point of View, in particular from our Romanian and foreign rescue dogs point of view, because they are different both in how they experience the world around them and respond to it.  It is for this reason that it's important as canine professionals advising adopters, to be aware that helping dogs overcome problems or challenges they may face in their new homes is very much an inside out approach that needs to take this into account.

I want to help Rescue organisations and their support personnel understand what is likely to be the best basic advice and guidance to give to adopters who are experiencing specific types of problems, but also help them be aware when incorrect or inappropriate advice for that dog is being given by training professionals or other well-meaning individuals because the damage this often results in can have catastrophic consequences for the dogs and their families, so I would love to support Rescue organisations in preventing this from happening.

So, I am excited to be launching this program with a view to reducing the incidences of this happening, save many dogs and their families from unnecessary stress, and in some cases heartbreak and misery, and minimize the risk as much as possible of problems arising and adoptions failing.

What's Inside Your Program

150+ units of information and resources  

A mixture of learning materials & presentations

10 Sections Covering a Variety of Topics

Downloadable Resources & PDF Handouts

Step by Step easy to follow teaching guides

Associated Teaching Video Demonstrations

Information & Guidance on supporting Adopters

Automatic Access to all Program Additions

LIFETIME access to your course material


Understanding Romanian Dogs
New Adopters Home Transition Program

Access to workshop & webinar recordings from The DOG's Point of View Website
 & from inside the Adopters Coaching Group

Reactivity on Walks Mini Workshop + Resources
 Reactivity to Visitors Mini Workshop + Resources
The Fearful Dog Webinar + Resources
An Introduction to Grid Training with Janeen Warman of Human Hound Healing
Recognising Signs of Pain & Discomfort in Your Dog
Human - Canine Communication & Body Language - It's a Two Way Conversation!

Course Pricing



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Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone who runs or works in a rescue organisation that rehomes Romanian & Overseas rescue dogs and would like a better understanding of how you can best support your adopters with basic advice & guidance.  

No, this course in no way qualifies you as a trainer.  It will provide you with a deeper understanding of what is the correct basic advice you could give in certain problematic situations and what is not recommended.  It will provide you with an extensive bank of information and resources you can use with your adopters to support them, and a basic level of understanding on what it looks like to work through many of the challenges that come up for adopters of Romanian and foreign rescue dogs.

Absolutely! If you would like to enrol 2 or more team members from the same rescue I am happy to provide you with coupon codes that will afford you a discount on all enrolments.  Please use the contact page HERE to send an email letting us know how many enrolments you would like to make and we will forward you a discount code to use. 



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Sharon Bethell

Amazing PRO COURSE...

Thank you so much for an amazing course full of knowledge, compassion and respect for these incredible dogs. Excellent delivery throughout making it both enjoyable and accessible. Would strongly recommend every rescue involved in Romanian and other overseas rescues completes this course...also reassures the support we are giving is going to support both the dog and guardian/owner enjoy their lives together to the fullest. Was so happy to see some meditation included, I'm sure some people think I'm exaggerating when I have previously advised doing this with their dogs present. Thanks again and much respect.

2 years ago
Chrissy Fearn

a MUST for all Romanian & foreign dogs rescues

This course is packed full of useful information & resources to help me to support our adopters & fosterers of Romanian rescues. It's given me a greater understanding on best approaches depending on the needs of the individual dog & their guardian(s). Thank you Meesh

2 years ago

Meet Your Instructor

Meesh Masters

Hello! My name is Meesh Masters, founder of The Dog’s Point of View, and I specialise in working with Romanian and overseas rescue dogs. My mission is to help adopters and canine professionals truly understand and support these incredible dogs through one-to-one consultations, home study courses, webinars, workshops, and my Adopters Coaching Group - the leading online resource for Romanian and overseas rescue dog support.

My journey with these dogs began in 2015 when I started fostering and supporting new adopters. It quickly became clear that Romanian dogs were different from UK-born dogs. Their lineage - shaped by street life and natural selection - means they rely heavily on instinct and don’t always respond to conventional training methods.

Learning to work with them in a way that respected their nature changed everything for me, and I’ve been sharing that knowledge ever since.

Today, I’m proud to be Patron of Cloud K9 Rescue and Annie’s Trust and to advise several other rescue organisations. I also run the Romanian Rescue Pro Trainers Program for qualified trainers and have developed an education and resource program for rescues rehoming Romanian and Eastern European dogs, helping volunteers and adopters feel more confident in supporting them.

I’m also qualified to assess movement, posture, and biomechanics to identify potential pain-related behaviour issues, which, in my opinion, is an essential knowledge to have working with dogs from overseas.  Given how many of these dogs have had a poor start in life, with poor nutrition & care, may have faced trauma, neglect, or untreated injuries - being able to assess pain in a completely hands-off way is often crucial to successfully providing a holistic approach to behaviour modification.

Everything I do is about helping adopters and professionals work with these dogs, in a way that truly aligns with who and how they are as individuals, rather than ignoring their ingrained natural instincts, so they can thrive in their new homes.