Foundations for Success - Relationship. Communication. Trust

Supercharge the depth of your relationship with your dog & see how it positively impacts on everything you do with them, including 'training'

Course Summary

Anyone who has worked with me personally will know that this is one of the FIRST things we look at when we start working together (along with stress reduction if necessary) because without a strong bond, effective communication & our dog's trust, any 'training' we do is less likely to be successful.

This is true for any dogs, but, as always, especially true for our natural world Romanian or overseas dog with their stronger survival instincts, less human-focused upbringing & tendency to be more independent & offensively defensive by nature.

If you want them to change their natural way of being and have them trust that you will provide them with everything they need, including keeping them safe from what they perceive to be potential threats, then relationship, communication & trust building are the areas you want to focus on developing.

These three things underpin EVERYTHING else you do and when these are nailed, any 'training' becomes a lot easier to succeed at.

If you live with one of these beautifully sensitive & instinctively driven dogs, you may struggle to see progress with your 'training' without this essential foundation of Connection, Communication & Trust within your relationship.

I have aimed to include as much variety as possible in this program for you, covering many different areas & ways of developing connection, communication and trust with your dogs, because I know every one of these dogs are unique individuals and what works for one may not for another.  So I hope there will be something for everyone.

Join me to learn all the things I've done to supercharge the depth of my relationship with my Romanian rescue boy, Tramp, and see how it positively impacts on everything you do with your dogs, including your 'training'.

When you understand your Natural World dog, and when they understand you, everything starts to come together ❤️

Course Price

Foundations For Success


  • Relationship. Communication. Trust

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Meesh Masters

Hello! My name is Meesh Masters, founder of The Dog’s Point of View, and I specialise in working with Romanian and overseas rescue dogs. My mission is to help adopters and canine professionals truly understand and support these incredible dogs through one-to-one consultations, home study courses, webinars, workshops, and my Adopters Coaching Group - the leading online resource for Romanian and overseas rescue dog support.

My journey with these dogs began in 2015 when I started fostering and supporting new adopters. It quickly became clear that Romanian dogs were different from UK-born dogs. Their lineage - shaped by street life and natural selection - means they rely heavily on instinct and don’t always respond to conventional training methods.

Learning to work with them in a way that respected their nature changed everything for me, and I’ve been sharing that knowledge ever since.

Today, I’m proud to be Patron of Cloud K9 Rescue and Annie’s Trust and to advise several other rescue organisations. I also run the Romanian Rescue Pro Trainers Program for qualified trainers and have developed an education and resource program for rescues rehoming Romanian and Eastern European dogs, helping volunteers and adopters feel more confident in supporting them.

I’m also qualified to assess movement, posture, and biomechanics to identify potential pain-related behaviour issues, which, in my opinion, is an essential knowledge to have working with dogs from overseas.  Given how many of these dogs have had a poor start in life, with poor nutrition & care, may have faced trauma, neglect, or untreated injuries - being able to assess pain in a completely hands-off way is often crucial to successfully providing a holistic approach to behaviour modification.

Everything I do is about helping adopters and professionals work with these dogs, in a way that truly aligns with who and how they are as individuals, rather than ignoring their ingrained natural instincts, so they can thrive in their new homes.