Video Podcasts With Adopters
6 Lessons -
Video Podcasts with Canine Professionals
6 Lessons -
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We will be chatting with adopters about their journeys with their Romanian dogs and with a variety of canine professionals who will have lots of tips, advice and information that I know is going to be super helpful to everyone!
Hello! My name is Meesh Masters, founder of The Dog’s Point of View, and I specialise in working with Romanian and overseas rescue dogs. My mission is to help adopters and canine professionals truly understand and support these incredible dogs through one-to-one consultations, home study courses, webinars, workshops, and my Adopters Coaching Group - the leading online resource for Romanian and overseas rescue dog support.
My journey with these dogs began in 2015 when I started fostering and supporting new adopters. It quickly became clear that Romanian dogs were different from UK-born dogs. Their lineage - shaped by street life and natural selection - means they rely heavily on instinct and don’t always respond to conventional training methods.
Learning to work with them in a way that respected their nature changed everything for me, and I’ve been sharing that knowledge ever since.
Today, I’m proud to be Patron of Cloud K9 Rescue and Annie’s Trust and to advise several other rescue organisations. I also run the Romanian Rescue Pro Trainers Program for qualified trainers and have developed an education and resource program for rescues rehoming Romanian and Eastern European dogs, helping volunteers and adopters feel more confident in supporting them.
I’m also qualified to assess movement, posture, and biomechanics to identify potential pain-related behaviour issues, which, in my opinion, is an essential knowledge to have working with dogs from overseas. Given how many of these dogs have had a poor start in life, with poor nutrition & care, may have faced trauma, neglect, or untreated injuries - being able to assess pain in a completely hands-off way is often crucial to successfully providing a holistic approach to behaviour modification.
Everything I do is about helping adopters and professionals work with these dogs, in a way that truly aligns with who and how they are as individuals, rather than ignoring their ingrained natural instincts, so they can thrive in their new homes.
© 2025 The DOGs Point of View
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Top Rated
Hilary Stoner Stoner
Fantastic Help for me and my Rommie Dog
Having adopted my girl, all seemed to go fairly well apart from walks. The constant stopping and sitting , pulling to go the way she wanted . I have to admit I was thinking she was a little stubborn. Until I came across Meesh and her Rommie Plant workshop. It was a revelation, i explained so much , it was clear and easy to follow. I have since learnt more from listening to Meesh , also by doing another course and reading her book. My life and relationship with my girl is now so close. We stop on walks , watching nature , if on occasion we can't go the way my girl wants to go I say" sorry not today " and we move on with no issues. I feel the learning I received has improved our communication so much , and my girl looks to me when she is unsure, and I am happy to give her time to process things.. We enjoy all our walks and we have learnt together to slow down and enjoy the view.
Emily Simpson
I wish I had known about this group before!
I found your group through Google. How l wish l had k own all of this information before embarking on the Romanian rescue pathway. I never knew Rommie dogs were so different. We got Lily when she was 5 months old. She was found on the street with her siblings then got pick & taken to a EU shelter where l rescued her. Since fireworks night last year her behaviour has deteriorated to the point where she refuses to go for walks completely. Would like to have a 1:1 talk/session and will make the relevant enquiries.
Carole McKenna
Videos on resue dogs
My dogs very very traumatised when I got them they had seen other dogs killed In front of them in romiania I have had them two years now, it has been a very hard journey with them, we still have a long way to go l would love to have a one to one conversation about the next steps with my dogs. I found your videos very good but need more information about very traumatised dogs.
Christine Smith
Just wow!
I just wish I known about this site and all of this information before my Romanian rescues arrived.
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